
St Philothea of Athens Book

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10.25" x 8.25"
Full color, hardbound book
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Product Overview

Book of the Life of St. Philothea of Athens

This beautifully iconographic book tells of the life of St. Philothea of Athens, The Great Martyr who gave all that she had and all that she was to serve God and others, especially those in need. The story of her great faith and works inspires all of us and is a witness to God's love through the most troubling of times. 

The book was originally written in Greek by Sister Philothea in Athens, Greece and was translated by the community of St. Philothea Greek Orthodox Church in Athens, Georgia on the commemoration of their Homecoming Anniversary. 

The icons are used by permission by Aggeliki Galanopoulou and are a beautiful portrayal of her life as it unfolds on this very special book.  It is our hope that you treasure it as much as we do!


Hardcover book with 42 pages, approximately 10 1/4" X 8 1/4"

Printed in USA

St. Philothea Greek Orthodox Church, Athens/Watkinsville, Georgia
Reproduced with Permission in 2019 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Translated and Edited by Asterios G. Kefalas, Professor of Management, Emeritus, UGA,
Christine Salzman, Presvytera, M.T.S. HCHC, Stephanos Salzman, Theology, AUTH

Original Greek Text Written by Sister Philothea
Illustrated by Aggeliki Galanopoulou
First Published in Greek by ARMOS in Athens, Greece, January 2008 (ISBN 978-527-438-2),
Design Edition: Meobius Design D. K. Sotiropoulos